Just a small update

Hello, if you don't know about this project (Megabat) you can read about it in the first devlog here (I promise to not be as long winded in this devlog). Alright so what's new with the project? To be honest not a lot, mainly lots of bugfixes, updates to look and feel of teleport ability (I added a line), added my own font, updated menu UI to be more simplistic. 

Attempted to add new title screen art... yes I attempted... I had this idea for some fancy menuing but after I was done or close to done I decided that it was too much for the game that I'm making. This is just another example of having to reel in my ideas and remember to keep things simple. 

Things next up:

  1. Enter level animation.
  2. Made with Godot animated opening (just for fun).
  3. New forest levels featuring teleport ability for a total of 15 or at least that's the idea.

If you have any questions on the game I'm happy to answer them in the comments and if you're interested in seeing my process (didn't say it was a good process) you can find my on twitch streaming the development of this game and sometimes playing a random game I need to clear from my steam backlog. 


megabat-mac-godot3.zip 37 MB
Version 30 Nov 15, 2022
megabat-windows3.zip 23 MB
Version 31 Nov 15, 2022
megabat-linux3.zip 25 MB
Version 31 Nov 15, 2022

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